

常見英文錯誤:Do you know the answer of the question? 你 ...

2014年11月5日 — 藉由這篇文章,從Teacher Sammy身上學習常見英文錯誤及如何正確運用介系詞!

answer question about - 英中

大量翻译例句关于answer question about – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

the answer of this question - 英中

主席,我知道周局長未必可以回答這項補充質詢,但我亦要提問, 因為今天保安局及警方代表均不出席這個會議及就質詢作答, 便正正反映了他們對虐待動物這項問題的輕視。

an answer to the question - 英中


in order to answer the question - 英中

In order to answer this question, it is first necessary, as explained in paragraph 52 above, for the Court to determine [...].

find an answer to the question - 英中

憲制事務司答(譯文):主席先生,對這樣㆒個難以解答的問題, 實很難給與㆒個適當的答覆。

word choice

2012年8月6日 — The answer of the question. Which is grammatical? What are the differences? And what is the preferred usage?

to answer to the question

High quality example sentences with “to answer to the question” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to ...

Answer a question - Android

On the Classwork page · Tap Classroom . · Tap the class and then · Tap the question. · Read the question and review any instructions or attachments. · Enter ...

Which one is correct, 'answer the question' or ' ...

2019年2月25日 — Both are correct but have different meanings. 'Answer thr question' would generally mean that you are asking or demanding someone to answer the ...